Managing affordable housing and developing properties for the future.



The Isaac Affordable Housing Trust develops quality two and three-bedroom units, that are affordable and safe in the Isaac region. IAHT manages these properties and reinvests the financial return into the properties while excess funds are used to top up capital for future projects. Our locations include:

  • Clermont

  • Dysart

  • Moranbah

  • Nebo

Meet our Board Members

Our Tenants

Our affordable rentals are built for essential and key service workers and their families, supporting them to find suitable housing for long-term stays. The tenants are selected with careful consideration of their average income, number of dependents and size of the property to ensure the properties are provided to the appropriate occupants.

Our Purpose

The Isaac Affordable Housing Trust understands the importance of keeping key service personnel in regional areas so communities can flourish and maintain a strong industry. Bridging the housing gap facilitates social and economic outcomes across our region.

Partnering For Success

Partnership and collaboration are at the heart of the Isaac Affordable Housing Trust. The IAHT has proudly welcomed assistance from our major partners to further develop much needed affordable housing in the Isaac region.

Enquire to partner with IAHT